Ancestral Spirit

This Talking Stick connects us to the bounty of the earth, the cycle of life and to those who came before us

The stick is a smooth branch of an oak tree from Israel. It is very dense and durable.

The leather straps at its head, the shield at its heart, the stone arrowhead and the slice of bone all represent the hunters. The turkey feathers signify mother earth, shared blessings, generosity and the harvest. They represent the gatherers. The hand and the small ceramic pot are for the artisans.

The rooster feathers stand for sexuality, power and mystery. The drum symbolizes both individuality and communication - finding the beat of your own drum while discovering and participating in universal rhythms.

The spiral is a symbol of life 's journey, the comings and the goings, the hidden and the seen.

The holder grounds the stick while its triangular shape represents upward motion and the energy of fire.

May this Stick lead you to your own roots
May it support the sharing of all gifts